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Seeing the implication and ramifications of policy of sanction, it can be termed unquestionably as a crime against humanity and equal to sophisticated genocide of modern day. In past days, invaders used to do blockage through naval and land forces to enemy nation, the sanction itself is the revisit of the same tactics with in a new form.
The sanction is primarily used in modern days to overthrow unfriendly regime of the united states and Europe in the name of promotion of democracy, in the name of destroying so called weapons of mass destruction.The irony is that the so many regimes who are actually dictatorial in true sense were/are supported by the same USA and west but others are treated as enemies accordingly.West,USA or NATO and some other countries are holding too many weapons of mass destruction including chemical and nuclear weapon but sanctions are targeted against the nations who want to strengthen their militaries for their own securities in the new age situation. Be it Iran,Iraq,north korea-all are treated as enemies or rogue states.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union the UN Security Council has become monopoly of western and American powers which can impose sanction on any country according to their own perception and calculation ignoring large voice of international community, this is coupled with the selective justice of international criminal court. Chinese or Russian voice is more or less ignored.UN general assembly has no say in this dubious and opaque functioning of Security Council. Moreover as the nations in west,NATO,USA holds the world premier reserve currencies for trade it becomes difficult for other voices to emerge and raise concern and sanctity of those kind of sanctions.
When a sanction is applied to a particular country,then it is not the punishment for any particular regime but it is a punishment and purge to that entire citizens of that particular nation.It threatens and destroys their livelihood,business,education,healthcare,infrastructure and all other important aspects related to existence.People in general donot know what their fault is.Most of the nations hit by sanction are mostly dependent on export and technology import from west. The economic sanction of any kind creates a vulnerable situation as a whole.
The so-called colonial era has gone, but the desire to control lives of others and more importantly valuable natural resources is increasing day by day. Former colonial forces and the world’s only superpower need the way and means to control the world order and sanction has become their effective tool to be in driver’s seat.
The numbers of women and children affected by the sanction regime are very high due to the economic crisis associated with the sanction. Along with this the unstable political situation in all form makes the life hell. The radicalization of religion, terrorism activities due to the isolation make the country and the world unsafe. Take the case of Taliban. When Afghanistan was isolated from rest of the world it became a hotbed terrorist activities.
The sanction often is associated with the arms embargo or arms control but then it is sense less to expand it to all sectors. If we want to stop weaponization,we need to stick to arms embargo only but should not get involved in imposing other sanctions. Critics may say that it will not stop the money flow in arms industries,but they are utterly wrong.Research work and espionage cannot create an overwhelming strong army instantly. In fa ct ,every sovereign nation has the right to carry out it’s military programme on it’s own.The issues related to non-sensitive civil technologies, food,medicine,medical equipments,general computer and softwares,newsprint,energy products should not come under any kind of embargo or sanction as they are lifeblood of any nation. If the international community wants to show their sensitivity and wants real solution should calculate the cost of sanction which actually punishes the general citizens.Defectors,traitors and ruling regime may not have any kind of materialistic crisis but the lives of people become the worst.
Also the policy of sanction and isolation undermines democratic world order. As the proverb goes ‘money talks’,we need to appreciate the monopoly of some reserve currencies inn world trade affairs suppress the democratic and pluralistic voices in the world. It ignores the popular and populous voice from asia,Africa and Latin America including Eurasia. This trend is a clear suppression of human rights.
Policy and politics of sanction should not remain in modern world as it is much more feudalistic medieval tool of the dominating powers in world order. It creates mistrust, hatred, civil wars, disintegration of nation, a lot of lost generations throughout a region. Civilization means illumination of human mind, that’s why we need to give up this nasty policy to claim ourselves as human beings not primitive barbers.